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Project Management Contractor Hourly Rate

Project Management Contractor Hourly Rate: What You Need to Know

If you are a project manager looking to become a contractor, one of the first things you need to know is how to set your hourly rate. It can be challenging to determine what to charge, especially when you are new to contracting or entering a new industry. However, the rates you set can significantly impact your income and the type of clients you attract. Here are a few things to consider when setting your project management contractor hourly rate.

Understand the Going Rate

Before setting your hourly rate, you need to have a good understanding of what others in your industry charge. You can research online job boards or speak with colleagues to gauge the average hourly rate in your area. Keep in mind that rates can vary based on experience level, project complexity, and your location. Therefore, it is essential to have a good understanding of your competition and the market demand.

Consider Your Experience

Your level of experience is a crucial factor when setting your hourly rate. If you are just starting out as a contractor, you may need to set a lower rate to attract clients. However, if you have several years of experience and have a proven track record of completing successful projects, you may be able to command a higher hourly rate. Highlighting your experience, certifications, and project successes can help you justify a higher rate.

Factor in Overhead Costs

As a contractor, you will be responsible for your own overhead expenses, such as health insurance, taxes, equipment, and office space. When setting your hourly rate, make sure to factor in these additional costs. It is essential to have a clear understanding of your expenses to ensure you make a profit while still offering competitive rates.

Consider Your Niche

The type of projects you specialize in can also impact your hourly rate. For example, if you specialize in managing complex infrastructure projects or have a deep understanding of a specific industry, you may be able to command a higher hourly rate. It is essential to understand your niche and what sets you apart from other project management contractors.


Setting the right project management contractor hourly rate is essential to your success as a freelancer. By understanding the market, your experience, overhead costs, and niche, you can set a rate that is both competitive and profitable. Keep in mind that your hourly rate is not set in stone and can be adjusted as needed based on changes in demand, experience, and project complexity.

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Edmonton Sherwood Park